Since April, when Adrianne and I decided to start offering pole fitness classes again, we had a vision for Foxy Fit that included a steady stream of parties, and new members every day. When you go into business for yourself, though, you learn as you go. We didn’t realize everything that went into running a successful studio when we bought it. But through our combined passion, our tenacity and our love for everything that this studio stands for, we realized we were building something bigger than a business: we were building a community. Everyone that walks through those doors has contributed to our growth.

Foxy Fit Studios is still a relatively new business, especially since the re-launch April 1st, 2016. In this short period of time, the connections we’ve created for ourselves, and for our staff and members, has proved to be invaluable. I am SO incredibly excited for the future of the studio. We recently added 2 new instructors who bring talent and dedication, along with a shared excitement for what we’re building. London is an award winning choreographer, and Joy is a career dance teacher who has recently embraced that dance is truly her calling. The energy these ladies exude as they teach is tangible.

As a former dancer who gave it all up to raise a child, I’ve always wanted to dance again. The options for adults, though, are limited, unless you decide to be part of a dance team or performance group. Now, through these ladies, I can learn choreography and get my rhythm back without the pressure of having to perform. I can be an adult, and dance too! How great is that?

If you’d like to join us, try a Tuesday or Wednesday night class, sign up through the MINDBODY app or at … see you soon!
