One of the most powerful parts of Foxy Fit Studios is the relationship building! Our members/students are our pride and joy and they give us life!!! They are our reason for pushing forward, because of the level of confidence they gain, their level of commitment and support with the studio, and the love that they have for us! We get to know each of our members on a deeper level, to ensure a positive connection with fitness and their love of pole. One of our first students, Rafaella Fiallo, shared her testimony and some of her successful pole moves with us:

“I started pole over the summer and absolutely love it! I’ve pretty much been an anti-workout person all of my adult life but pole was different. This is the longest I have ever stuck with any gym or workout plan! It has been challenging but I’m competitive by nature and nothing is better than getting a move down! Everyone at Foxy Fit is extremely supportive and makes sure that you feel like you can do anything! They are sincerely rooting for you when you land a move. The instructors are crazy talented, energetic, patient, and FUN! Foxy has even opened my mind to working out more and I actually go to the gym now! -Rafaella Fiallo”